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Products for Cat Training

Getting a pet is just the tip of the iceberg especially if the owner decides to keep it indoors.  Before deciding on which animal to get, it is best to read up on the frequent problems that happen so one can be ready to overcome them.

the cats are able to clean up themselves very well.  But there is more to just giving them food or brushing their fur and these are things the owner must anticipate.

There are ways to solve the clawing problem.  One way is declawing it when your pet is still a kitten.  Since some people find this to be cruel to the animal, then one would have to buy a scratching post and teach it to scratch on the surface when the animal feels like doing it.

Since the kitten does not know what the scratching post is for, it is best to teach it by grabbing its paws and doing the motion.  This will take some time to learn so one should observe that cat and practice it often.

Another product for training cats is a litter box.  This is to solve the waste problem that will happen if the cat has not yet been trained on what to do should it feel the urge.  These can be purchased at the local pet store and choosing one should depend on the size of the cat. 

Using the litter box will take some time and practice so one should keep a close watch on the cat.  Should it start behaving like it is about to do it, one should carry the cat immediately to the litter box. Another way of teaching it is picking up the waste, putting it in the box then putting the cat in the box to get used to the smell. 

Cats like other animals need time to exercise.  To prevent this animal from ruining the house, one should buy a ball for the animal to play with. 

There are many varieties of cat training products available on the market which can be found in the local pet store or online.  The person has to know what is needed in order to make the pet good for the indoors. 

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